Nov 9, 2003


Yes, I am bored. It happens now and then. You can have the most adventurous life filled with mystery and intrigue, and every once in a while, you'll have a “bored” moment. So that's what I'm having right now.

I'm also having a “blank and empty mind” moment. Which basically translates to, when I have a deep thought or real need to write I'm usually too busy or too far from a computer. But when I set aside some time and have some privacy, that's when I'm hit with my “blank and empty mind” moment.

So since I really don't have anything to say other than that, I guess I'll go on to the next page. Who knew that you could actually waste some time and get out a couple of paragraphs talking about being bored and and blank.

I might actually have to rethink this writing thing I'm doing. I mean if I can pull this off I might have a career in advertising or politics. Isn't that the two career choices if you are a professional waste of time and space?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quote of the Week: Spike can't bite Willow

Spike: I don't understand. This sort of thing has never happened to me before.
Willow: Maybe you were nervous.
Spike: I felt all right when it started. Well let's try it again.
[Spike tries to bite Willow and he backs off screaming in pain.] Spike: Damn it! What's wrong with me?
Willow: Maybe you're trying too hard. Doesn't this happen to every vampire?
Spike: Not to me it doesn't!
Willow: It's me isn't it?
Spike: What are you talking about?
Willow: Well you came here looking for Buffy, and settled. You didn't want to bite me, I just happened to be around.
Spike: Piffle!
Willow: I know I'm not the kind of girl vamps like to sink their teeth into. It's all ways, "ooo, you're like a sister to me," or "oh, we're such good friends."
Spike: Don't be ridiculous. I'd bite you in a heartbeat.
Willow: This doesn't make you anymore scary.
Spike: Don't patronize me. I'm only 126 years old!
Willow: You’re being too hard on yourself. Why we don't wait a half an hour and try again?

Lame quote time:
why is it that when you're wrong no one forgets but when you're right, no ones around?

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