May 24, 2006


Ok, I know I'm never on the cutting edge of news and news topics...but since when has breast feeding been an issue??

I mean in a time when presidents can have affairs, perjure, sell secrets and start wars.

Where the vice presidents, can make bold faced lies and shoot their friends in the face.

In a time when religious leaders are committing the very sins that they preach against.

In a time when oil companies are doubling and tripling their profits, while maintaining that there is an oil shortage.

In a time when wardrobe malfunctions are common place.

Breastfeeding in public is an issue?  When child abuse and neglect are at an all time high, you want to give a breastfeeding mother a hard time?

You do know that that is the main function of the breast right?

You do realize that it does serve a function and those people who think that that should be done behind closed doors are idiots.

I'm sorry, but I guess there are more important things in life that deserve to be squabbled over.

How closed minded have we become that feeding and nurturing a child because you might see a boob, or more specifically a nipple, is a reason to scoff the women who do it?

I guess I would rather spend my time arguing about the incompetence of our political leaders and the hypocrisies of our religious leaders than to argue about a breast, especially if it's being used for the reason that nature intended.

You know for living in one of the greatest nations in the world...we really have become the same controlling authority we originally left to start a "free world". With that said...this song is done.

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