Nov 14, 2006


I shared this bit of information with my wife a while back and now I share it with you.

I have wasted 29 years of my life watching wrestling.

Up until I was in fourth grade, I thought it was real. There was this moment in the AWA - American Wrestling Association, when Jumping Jim Brunzel (who happened to be one of my favorite wrestlers) gets "cut with a sword" by Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissy and I was in tears. Begging my mom to find out what hospital (because of course, he was taken away on a stretcher) he was at so I could visit and give him well wishes.

Looking back, I can very honestly say, "Yes I was(and still am) a mark."

Of course now being at the ripe young age of 34 with too much wrestling knowledge, I sit there and complain about weak matches, weak story lines and weak mic skills.

My wife will sit and watch it with me (as long as it's not a bloody match-you see she tends to faint at the sight of blood) and she gets excited and pissed off at the wrestlers or the story lines too.

She enjoys watching the high fliers (she tends to refer to it as "a dance") as compared to the brawlers, but she can watch a technical match too. And bless her heart, she has the wrestlers that just piss her off.

These are the wrestlers that tend to be heels (or the bad guys). Of course, in my ultimate lack of wisdom and when I want to get under her skin, I have a tendency to emulate their poses and/or catch phrases...which tend to drive her nuts (and not in a good way).

So why am I talking about this now? I just finished watching Monday Night Raw and it was actually a fun show.

There was, as usual, a few weak moments but overall a fun way to waste 2 hours.

Another reason I'm talking about it is simply because I can. I am a fan. I have been a fan for quite a while. It's something my grandfather got me watching...and to this day I still do.


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