Feb 27, 2008


These are observations, thoughts and reactions to true events that happened today. These are some of the things Season and I saw/heard/dealt with. Some are funny, some sad and some just plain pitiful.

So without further ado...

The "special" employees at Goodwill, are far more knowledgeable and helpful than the non-special employees at Wal-mart. Which makes me wonder who has the higher hiring standards.

While sitting at our dinner table at one of the buffets in town, I noticed a few things...
  • There was a young lady of color who was wearing a pair of painted on jeans and heels. She also had an ace bandage wrapped around her knee...on the outside of her pants. She was able to walk just fine until there were people around. Then she walked with a limp that would make Kathy Bates from Misery proud.
  • There was another young lady present who was wearing some sweat pants and had a knee high cast and crutches. And she limped less then the above mentioned girl who hobbled past her and rudely bumped into her, while up at the buffet line.
  • If you are not 100% sure where the Amazon is...keep your mouth shut. Because, I am sorry to say this, if you are don't know where the Amazon Jungle is, go back to school. Of course it doesn't help your standings if you are already prego's when you ask "Isn't the Amazon in Africa?" and then are completely astonished when the answer is "No."
  • Just because someone is of an ethnic background, one should not assume that they do not have a mastery of the English language. It will cause you some embarrassment. When the "dumb spic isn't moving fast enough" is standing in front of you turns around and says, "I would be offended by you, but sadly I pity you too much to be offended. Now your parents on the other hand...I'm offended by how cheap they are. Because you see Sir, wire coat hangers are not expensive at all." Sadly, this is one of those true events that happened to yours truly. The worst thing is, I don't think Einstein got my insult at all.
Now I'm not going to focus on the negatives. While sitting at the restaurant, my wife and I noticed a few positive things...
  • Like an older sister...around six years old shares her ice cream with her 2ish year old brother, than walks over hands him something and says "That is a marshmallow. Eat it. You will like it." Then tell their mother "I'm teaching him important stuff."
  • When an older couple, as in those that have been married longer than dirt has been around, are still holding hands. Together they walk to the buffet line and the husband fills up his plate and they walk it back to their table. Then they grab a plate for her, fills that one up and walk it back to their table. Where they both sit down to eat together. Which will also go down as one of the greatest moments I was witness to.
  • OK, my wife didn't see this because she never notices the positive things about herself, but I digress. I am able to look at my wife and fall in love with her, all over again, everyday.
  • I saw a teenager hold the door for someone, without being asked, without any attitude and without being thanked. The teen didn't do or say anything negative. As he sat down at the table behind me, his buds asked him "What the hell that was all about?" and the teen said "Someday that might be me, and it would be tight if some jobber did that fo me." And that my friends is cool.
These are some of the greatest and foulest things I noticed today.

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