Jun 20, 2006


Trust is such a wondrous and powerful word. It builds friendships, relationships, love and reinforces each and every one of those feelings. It's the yard stick we use to measure how much we'll let people affect us and how far we are willing to affect them (or at least try to). It guides us in everyday situations and those "once in a moment" opportunities that end up shaping who we are and who we will be.

Like I said, it's a very powerful and wondrous word.

But trust broken, is as devastating as a blow to the head with a lead pipe. It affects how we deal with people and situations and how those situations affect and deal with us. It affects relationships, families, friends and your inner self. Mistrust is actually a lot more destructive than a loaded gun, with longer lasting results.

If you shoot the gun right, it may never hurt at all and even if you don't that scar will eventually heal.

Mistrust is not so easy to comeback from.

I know this from past and present experience.

Everyday is a step forward, and everyday is a step back.

But in my case, I gotta keep moving.

That's the truth.

Keep walking, keep moving, because anything is better than just giving up.

That's my dedication for the day.

Thanks for listening.

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