Sep 9, 2006


I found my voice today

It screams and yells
It says cunt and fuck
Nigger and spic
Faggot and dyke

I found my voice today

It says mother and father
Brother and sister
Aunt and uncle
Grandpa and grandma

I found my voice today

It laughs and cries
Brutal and gentle
Soft and loud
Soothing and aggravating

I found my voice today

And it had nothing to say
Everything has already been said
I can't hurt you with my words
Somebody else already has
And you let them

I found my voice today

And it had nothing to say
I can't defend myself
But I don't want to
You can't hurt me with your words
Somebody already has
And I let them

I heard my voice today
And it sounds just like it did yesterday

I heard your voice today

It screams and yells
It says cunt and fuck
Nigger and spic
Faggot and dyke

I heard your voice today

It says mother and father
Brother and sister
Aunt and uncle
Grandpa and grandma

I heard your voice today

It laughs and cries
Brutal and gentle
Soft and loud
Soothing and aggravating

We all have nothing to say.


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