Mar 2, 2007


Quote of the day:

"as if the word alternative automatically means something good. I mean, suicide is an alternative to life but that doesn't mean it's a good thing ya know? LOL"

Gregory Helms

Alright, I made it.

Yeah baby!!

Go me!!


It's the little things in life that make me happy. And it's the little things in life that don't mean too much, until you look back and realize that upon reflection it wasn't a lot of little things, but one long wonderful journey filled with ups, downs, goods, bads, rejoices and regrets.

I hope you are all in good health and high spirits because I have a little story to tell.

It's not a monumental story, as a matter of fact it's kind of a rewrite, because in my infinite lack of wisdom I lost the original post, and now I have to rewrite it.

Which normally would have pissed me off to know end, but instead I get to write a concise and clear tale.

It all started after the death of HAL (if you don't understand read the previous entry). After I brought home HAL-2, I was in quite a funk.

So after playing POGO for a couple of weeks and hearing about this new online community called My Space, well I decided to be on the cutting edge of trends and make myself a My Space page.

It was a slow process (because if it isn't porn, I'm lost). When it was time to choose my profile pic, I wanted it to be fun and cute.

Partly because I'm not fun and nor cute. Actually I'm pretty boring and mostly average looking.

I know when my wife reads this she'll go off on me...AGAIN. But it's my story and I'll tell it the way I want to.

I went to some My Space pages and started looking at some of the profile pictures.

I saw a lot of people use South Park style images, and I said to myself "Jose, those are pretty cool AND nifty!!" (yes I actually talk to myself and use my name. Why? Cause that's what my name is, and I wanted to make sure that I was listening).

So being a Jeff Hardy fan (he's a wrestler for the WWE for those that don't know) and seeing how cool AND nifty some of the South Park Jeff's were, I decided to look for one that yours truly could use.

I went to Google because Google knows all. So I typed in Jeff Hardy (of course in my usual lack of wisdom I did NOT click on images link but the usual standard Google search).

Lo and behold a name came up at a site and I said "Holy Moley Jose!! Jeff's brother Matt has a My Space page!! I must check this out, because it's probably a some person just pretending."

If you think that's a long winded self conversation, you outta see me when I have to do housework. I spend hours telling myself why I should stop watching the Arena Rock station on digital cable and go dishes instead.

I went to check it out and much to my delight, it actually is the Matt Hardy myspace site with the real Matt Hardy.

I then noticed he had a blog, and since I like reading blogs I checked it out. I read his blog and saw that has a list of "REAL WRESTLER" My Space sites.

So I said "Jose you aren't doing anything else right now, you might as well check them out."

And all was good in the universe.

Now why am I talking about all of this? Well today while watching TV (or more accurately while I was watching South Park, she was reading last months WWE Magazine.) It dawned on me how much she has gotten into sports entertainment.

I should add that she also spent some time reading the WWE MAGAZINE SPRING PREVIEW because it had a profile and brief history on most of the WWE superstars.

Because of her tendency to get sick or faint at the sight of blood, there are some matches she can't and won't watch.

She either loves or hates the story lines, critiques the matches, gives her opinions on the wrestlers (both new and old) and of course she gets vocal when it's a wrestler she loves (or hates).

I guess I feel very special knowing that she has taken a very REAL interest into one of passions, and that we can actually enjoy it together.

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